Control indicators enable to save a significant amount of time and effort when creating Master Inspection Characteristics in SAP.
The control key is used to define control indicators for the master inspection characteristics and inspection plan characteristics.
How to define default values for control indicators in SAP QM
You can define default values for control indicators in SAP Hana QM by using the following navigation method
Title | Define Default Values for control indicators |
SAP Menu Path | Quality Management > Quality Planning > Inspection Characteristic and Inspection Method > Define Default Values for Control Indicator |
Transaction Code | SPRO |
Step 1: Execute transaction code “SPRO” and choose “SAP Reference IMG”
Step 2: Follow the SA Menu Path: Quality Management – Quality Planning – Inspection Characteristic, Inspection Method – Define Default Values for Control Indicator.
Step 3: On the change view “View Maintenance for Characteristic Control Indicators” screen, display a list of defined control indicators defined in the SAP S4 Hana system. You can define a new control indicator and set the default values.
In this scenario, we will use the standard indicators and update the default values as per requirements.
Step 4: Double click on Indicator Key: 3010(Quantitative, Summar, doc. for reject.)
Step 5: A popup window screen – Edit Characteristic Control Indicator displays. Now make the required default values for characteristic and press enter to continue.
Continue to assign the default value, and press enter to continue
Click on the save icon and save the details. You can assign control indicators while creating master inspection characteristics in SAP.