How to Display Customer Line Items in SAP
In this SAP Tutorial, you will learn how to display customer line items in SAP.
You can display or change customer line items in SAP by using the following navigation method
SAP Menu Path :- SAP Menu –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable –> Account –> Display/Change Line Items ( Customer Line Item display )
Transaction code: FBL5N
Step 1: Execute transaction code “FBL5N in the SAP command field or navigate to menu path Accounting – Financial Accounting – Accounting Receivable – Account – Display / Change Line Items.
Step 2: On Customer Line Item Display screen, update the following details
Customer Selection:
- Customer Account: Update the Customer Account to display the line customer accounts
- Company Code: Update the company code for customer account, so that customer line items will be displayed as per customer accounts that belongs to the specified company code
- Open Items: Select the open item option if you want to display the customer account line items as per open items
- Cleared Items: Select the cleared item option, to display the customer accounts as per cleared items
- All Item: Choose All items option to display all customer line items, by choosing this option all open line items and cleared items will be displayed
Click on Execute or press keyboard key F8, so that the customer line items will be displayed.