If you are searching for SAP SD Tables, you can refer below for the complete list of SAP SD modules (Sales & Distribution) tables topic wise including customer master, pricing, sales data, delivery, partner functions, billing and new tables that are introduced in SAP S4HANA.
Knowing all the important tables of SAP helps you execute the reports quickly, analysis and download the data.
SAP SD Tables List
Refer to below for the important list of SD module tables by topic:
Material & Customer Master Data Tables:
Tables related to customer master data and material master.
Table Name | Description |
KNA1 | Customer Master General Data |
KNB1 | Customer Master Company Code Data |
KNVV | Customer Master Sales Data |
MARA | Material: General Data |
MARC | Material: Plant Data |
MVKE | Material: Sales Data |
TVKO | Sales Organizations |
Sales Document Tables
VBAK and VBAP are the important sales order tables in SAP and you need to remember all the sales document-related tables when you are working on sales.
Table Name | Description |
VBAK | Sales document – Header Data |
VBAP | Sales Document – Line Items Data |
VBFA | Sales document – workflow |
VBEP | Sales document – scheduled line data |
VBUK | Sales document header status and administration data |
VBUP | Sales Document – Item Status |
VBSN | Change status relating to scheduling agreements |
Pricing and Condition Tables
Table Name | Description |
KOMK | Pricing Communication – Header |
KOMP | Pricing Communication – Item |
KONH | Conditions – Header |
KONP | Conditions – Items |
KONV | Pricing Conditions |
Shipping and Delivery Tables
Table Name | Description |
LIKP | SD Document Delivery – Header Data |
LIPS | SD Document Delivery – Item Data |
Partner Tables
Table Name | Description |
VBPA | Sales Document – Partner |
VLKPA | SD Index – Deliveries by Partner Functions |
Billing Tables
Table Name | Description |
VBRK | Billing Document – Header Data |
VBRP | Billing Document – Item Data |
VRKPA | Sales Index – Bills by Partner Functions |
VKDFS | Sales Document by Billing Initiator |
Credit Management Tables
Table Name | Description |
KNKK | Customer Master Credit Management – Control area data |
S066 | Credit Management – Open Order |
New SAP SD Tables in S4 Hana
In SAP S4Hana, the secondary index and aggregated tables are removed and moved as compatibilities views. The data is not updating to the removed tables.
The following are new tables that are introduced in SAP S4 Hana
Pricing & Conditions
Table Name | Description |
PRCD_ELEMENTS | Pricing Elements |
Changes in S4HANA:
- The table KONV was replaced with a new table of PRCF_ELEMENTS
- It includes all the structures for storing the pricing data and also has the enhancement capability
Business Partner Table
Table Name | Description |
BUT000 | Business Partner – General Data |
BUT020 | Business Partner Address |
BUT100 | Business Partner Roles |
- The customer master data tables KNA1 (General Data), KNB1 (Company Code), KNVV (Sales org) are replaced with the new Business Partner tables in S4 Hana.
- The transaction codes for creation of customer master data also replaced with a new SAP transaction code – BP.