SAP FICO Transaction Codes

Here is a complete list of important SAP FICO Transaction Codes that are used in customizing and implementation of SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling module.

Transaction Code
Define Company OX15
Define Company Code OX02
 Assign Company Code to Company OX16
 Define Business Area  OX03
Define Credit Control Area OB45
Define Fiscal year  OB29
Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant  OB37
Define variants for the opening Posting period OBBO
Define Variant for open and close posting periods OB52
Assign Variants to Company code  OBBP
Define Field status variants OBC4
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants OBC5
Define Posting Keys OB41
Define Document types  OBA7
Define Document Number Range FBN1
Define Tolerance group for Users OBA4
Define Chart of Accounts OB13
Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts  OB62
Define Account Groups OBD4
Define Retained Earnings Account OB53
Creation of GL Master Records FS00
Define Tolerance Group for GL Account OBA0
 Creation of Vendor Account Groups OBD3
Create number ranges for vendors account XKN1
Assign Number Range to Vendor Account Groups OBAS
Define tolerance group for vendors OBA3
Creation of Vendor Master XK01
Creation of GL as Reconciliation Accounts ( Sundry Creditors ) FS00
Define Document types OBA7
Define Document number Ranges FBN1
Vendor Payment Terms OBB8
Automatic Payment Program FBZP
Creation of Customer Account Group  OBD2
Create Number Ranges for  Customer Accounts XDN1
 Assign Number range to Customer Accounts groups SPRO
Define tolerance group for Customer OBA3
Bill of Exchange OBYN
Define Dunning Area OB61
 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/ Depreciation Area  EC08
Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code OAOB
Define Number range Interval for Asset Classes AS08
 Define Asset Classes OAOA
Determine Depreciation area in the Asset Class OAYZ
Assignment of General Ledger Accounts AO90
 Specify Intervals and Posting Rules OAYR
Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas AO21
Maintain Depreciation keys AFAMA
 Execute Depreciation Run AFAB
 Create Asset Master AS01
 Define House Banks FI12

Refer to complete important list of SAP Transaction Codes as per module wise.