What is Credit Control Area in SAP

The credit-control area in SAP is an organizational unit that specifies and checks a credit limit for customers. The credit-control area can include one or more company codes in SAP.

Credit Control Area – Important points

  1. The credit-control area enables the monitoring of the credit for customers.
  2. You can define one or more credit control areas in SAP as per requirements.
  3. One credit control area can be assigned to one more company code.
  4. Company code can use only one credit control area.

How to Define Credit Control Area in SAP

  • Transaction Code to Define Credit Control Area – OB45
  • IMG Menu Path:- SPRO –> Implementation Guide –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Define Credit Control Area

Step 1:– Enter T-Code SPRO in the Command field and press enter


Step 2:- Click SAP Reference IMG


Step 3:- Follow the IMG Menu path


Step 4:- In the next screen click on new entries


Step 5:– On new entries of the credit control areas screen, update the required data

1. Credit-Control area:- Enter four digits credit control area code

2. Currency:– Update the currency of the credit control area.

3. Credit limit:- Update the credit limit amount for the customers.

Define Credit Control Area for Customer in SAP

Step 6:– Click on the save icon to save the new credit control area


Thus credit control area in SAP was successfully configured.

Continue to read and learn: How to define credit control area in SAP S4 Hana system.