Learn the SAP Material Management module through our step-by-step guide SAP MM tutorials with a beginner’s Guide 2025. After referring to this SAP Material Management course, you can master the MM module, which will help you complete the S/4HANA MM certification.
This SAP MM Training course is designed with a step-by-step guide so that every beginner can start learning the SAP MM module from the basics to advanced concepts.
What you learn through this SAP MM Training Tutorials:
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to learn:
- These SAP MM training tutorials provide you everything implementation and end-user level process step-by-step with screenshots.
- SAP Basics including what is sap, how to practice and prepare for MM certification.
- Complete configuration guide included ECC system & S/4HANA system version
- Included topics on Procurement process life cycle, Inventory Management, Material Master Data, Vendor Master Data, and integration with other modules.
- MM transactions and Master Data configurations
- Troubleshoot common day-to-day issues
- Included End user transactions
- End-end projects with testing scenarios.
Benefits of Learning SAP MM Module:
After learning the SAP MM module, you are able to
- Understand the basics of SAP & and important components in Material management
- Complete end-to-end process of procurement (P2P cycle)
- Understand the complete material management functions of Purchase requisitions, Purchase Orders, Goods Receipts, Invoice Verifications, and final payments to vendors.
- Helps to understand the automatic supply chain process
- Career opportunities in SAP jobs on MM consultants.
Who can refer to these SAP MM Tutorials?
- No prior knowledge is required to start learning this SAP MM module, as we have created each concept from the basics.
- Beginners, procurement professionals, SAP consultants & those who want to switch their career to SAP MM.
- Career opportunities for the roles of MM consultant and procurement manager.
SAP MM Training Course Content
SAP MM ( Material Management ) is one of the important modules in SAP ERP software. The MM application module supports the procurement and inventory functions occurring in day-to-day business operations. This MM module contains many aspects such as purchasing, goods receiving, material storage, consumption-based planning, and inventory.
SAP MM is integrated with other SAP modules such as Finance (FI), Controlling (CO), Sales and Distribution (SD), Quality Management (QM), Plant Maintenance (PM), Production Planning (PP), and Warehouse Management(WM).
These SAP MM training tutorials provide you with everything implementation and end-user level process step-by-step with screenshots.
Please refer to the following SAP MM module course step-by-step in sequential order for a better understanding and learning of the material management module.
SAP MM – Basics
MM Enterprise Structure
- Define Company
- Define Company Code
- Assign Company Code to Company
- Define Plant
- Assign Plant to Company Code
- Maintain Storage Locations
- Maintain Purchase Organization
- Create Purchasing groups
- Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code
- Assign purchasing organization to reference purchasing organization
- Assign Purchase Organization to Plant
MM – Master Data
- Split Valuation configuration
- Create Material Group in SAP MM
- Create Material Types in SAP MM
- Define Industry Sectors
- Maintain company codes for material management
- Define MRP Controllers
- Create, Change, Display Material
- Create purchasing info records
Vendor Master
- Define vendor account groups
- Maintain number ranges for vendor accounts
- Assign number ranges to vendor accounts
- Create sundry credit account
- Tolerance group for vendors
- Vendor payment terms
- Create vendor master data
- Automatic payment program configuration
- Interest calculation configuration
- Procurement Process Cycle Overview
- Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
- Maintain source list
- Create Purchase Requisition (PR)
- Create Request for Quotation (RFQ)
- Maintain Quotations
- Create Purchase Order for stock materials
Inventory Management
- Create Movement Types
- Goods Receipt Invoice (GRIN)
- Post goods issue
- Stock transfer and Transfer posting
Integration with other SAP Modules
- MM integration with FICO module
- MM integration with SD module
- MM integration with PP
- MM integration with QM
Important SAP MM Transaction Codes & Tables