What are Derived Roles in SAP

The derived role receives the menu structure and various functions like transactions, reports, web links, etc. from role referenced. So we can call it as a parent role. The role only receives menus and functions if no t-codes have been assigned to it.

Derived roles are used to maintain security at organizational levels and it helps to minimize administrative maintenance.

Let’s Learn how to create a derived role in SAP security

Enter transaction code “PFCG” in the SAP command field and enter.

Transaction code PFCG

In the next screen, enter the role name and click on the role tab as shown below.

derived role maintenance

Now we derived a role from the existing role, click on the derived from role tab to derive the existing role.

derive from role

On importing role window, click the start search button and you can provide a maximum number of hits.

name of importing file - derive roles

Now select the particular role that we want to derive, here we selected the master role. After selecting the role a window opens seeking that you want to enter a specific role as the importing role, click on yes.

set importing file - derived role

Update the descriptive name of the derived role and click on the save button (Crl+S).

Derived role from importing file

Here you can see the menu has been inherited, Click on the menu and check what are the menus that have been inherited.

What is Derived Roles and how to create in Security

Now we have to change the authorization data, click on the authorization tab and click on change authorization data.

What is Derived Roles and how to create in Security authorization data

Here we can see the company code and account type organization level, assign the values and click on save button.

define orgaization levels derived roles

Select generate button and then click on generate option.

generate profiles

Press enter to continue as shown below to assign a profile name for generated authorization profile.

assing profile name to generate profile

Click on the user tab and update the user id in the user field, then click on user comparison.

user comparision

Click on the complete comparison as shown below the image. Now you can see user comparison in green color.

complete comparision

Finally, click on the save button and save the configured derived roles details.