How to Assign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group
In the following SAP tutorials, you will learn how to assign employee subgroup to employee group in SAP. This assignment enables to integration between employee subgroup and employee groups in SAP system.
After defining the employee groups and employee subgroups, next step is assigning the employee subgroup to employee group. You can configure assignment of employee subgroups to employee groups by using the following navigation method
- SAP R/3 IMG Path :– SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment -> Human Resources Management > Assign employee subgroups to employee groups
Configuration Steps: –
Step 1: Execute T-code “SPRO” in the SAP Command field
Step 2: Select “SAP Reference IMG
Step 3: Follow the IMG menu path: Assignment – Human Resource Management and click on IMG activity of “Assign Employee Subgroup to Employee group”
Step 4: Click on “New Entries” and update the following fields
- Enter Employee group key in the EE group” field
- Enter the Employee subgroup key in the EE subgroup field.
- Tick the countries to activate.
Click on the save icon to save the entries.
Successfully we have assigned employee subgroup to employee group in SAP system.
Continue to read Free SAP HCM tutorials with real-time project scenarios.