What is Business Partners in SAP CRM

Business partners can be a person or groups of persons or organizations such as firms, branch offices etc. Business partners are any parties are any persons who are interested for business interacting with company are considered as business partners. Business partners may be sold to party, ship to party, contact persons, etc.

Business partners are created only once in the CRM system and they can be a in different roles. For example, if a business partner is both a customer and a vendor, it can be a one and the same business partner.

Business partners are divided in to three parts.

  1. Account
  2. Contact
  3. Employees

1. Account– Accounts is a company, individual or group with which you have business relationships. Account can be divided in to three types.

  • Individual account– An account where only one person is the customer.
  • Corporate Account– An account where the company is the customer
  • Group Account – An account where the group of persons are customer

2. Contact– Contact is a person with whom you have business relationship and working for company customers. Mostly assigned to a corporate account.

3. Employees – Employee is a person who are working with company and involved in the interaction with company and customers etc.

Business Partners in SAP CRM
Business Partner Categories

The business partner categories specifies partner is a individual person, organization or a group. When we are defining business partners in SAP CRM, we have to select the categories to which the business partner is belongs to.

We can create contact account, corporate account and Individual account from SAP CRM and GUI. SAP GUI is used by consultant and consultant not creating any accounts, order where the end users are creating new account in the WEB UI. SAP GUI is used for customizing and implementation.

We can create Business partner in SAP CRM by using transaction code “BP”, Read more for SAP CRM Training that guides you more about Customer Relationship Management.