What is SAP integrated Business Planning? SAP integrated Business Planning (IBP) is a solution used to transform the business supply chain management with planning. SAP IBP is used in the technologies of Analytics, Machine learning and real time data processing. SAP IBP helps the organizations to optimize their business operations with better decision making and high results. Important Features of
Read more →Complete List of SAP Modules SAP Modules overview:– SAP stands for “Systems, Applications, and Products in data processing,” and it is the fourth-largest software company in the world. SAP provides end-to-end solutions for financials, manufacturing, logistics, distribution, etc. Each SAP module is integrated with other modules. SAP System is divided into two types of modules such as functional modules and
Read more →How to create SAP Adobe Forms In this SAP Tutorials, you will learn how to create SAP adobe forms step by step Prerequisites to create SAP Adobe Form – Before creation of SAP Adobe Forms, it is recommended to configure the following applications in server. Adobe Life Cycle Designer Adobe Designer Step 1: Execute the transaction code “SFP” in the
Read more →What does ERP Stands for? The acronym ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, referring to a type of software used by the organization to manage its key business process to improve the efficiency, cost reduction and optimize its core business operations. ERP is recognized as the world’s largest enterprise software used for controlling and streamline the business processes. The term
Read more →What is TR (Transport Request) In SAP, TR stands for Transport Request. It is a vehicle that helps in transport of data (movement of data) from one client to another client or from one server to another server as per the SAP Landscape architecture. Transport Request are two types Customizing Request Workbench Request Customizing Request: The customizing request TR will
Read more →How to Define Pricing Procedure in SAP S4 Hana MM Purchasing Calculation Schema in SAP S/4HANA MM is one of the important pricing procedures that is used to calculate or determine the prices, taxes, rebates, discounts, etc. The SAP S/4HANA system automatically determines which pricing procedure should be considered The pricing procedure is calculated based on the condition types The
Read more →How to Assign Material Ledger Types to Valuation Area in SAP S/4 Hana After the configuration of the Assignment of currency types and Material Ledger Types, the next configuration step is the assignment of material ledger types to the valuation area in the SAP S4 Hana system. The link between Material Ledger Type “1000” and Valuation Area AP01 will be
Read more →How to Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code in SAP Hana After maintaining the chart of depreciation in SAP, the next Asset Accounting Configuration is the assignment of the chart of depreciation to company code in SAP S/4HANA. You must assign a chart of depreciation to each company code that you defined in Asset Accounting Through this assignment, we
Read more →How to Define Condition Types in SAP S4Hana Condition types determine the pricing of a condition record. Based on business requirements, condition types can be created for each kind of price, and discounts that occur in your business transactions. The access sequence key will be linked to the condition type and you will map the access sequence key for every
Read more →How to Activate Business Place in SAP S/4Hana In this SAP tutorial, you will learn how to activate the business place features in the SAP S4 Hana system. The business place is activated at the country level/ Region Level. The activation of business place enables to get the complete reports as per business places and also it activate the record
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