The integration between company code and company is established through this assignment of company code to company in SAP Hana. To complete the customizing task of company code, you need to assign company code to company in SAP Hana. How to assign company code to company in SAP Hana You can assign company code to company in SAP S4Hana system
Read more →What is Company Code in SAP Company code in SAP is an organizational element for which complete financial statements can be drawn for external and internal reporting purposes. The financial statements like Balance Sheets (B/S), Profit & Loss (P&L) statements are generated at the company code level for external reporting. A company in SAP can have one or more company
Read more →What is company in SAP The company is also called as the internal trading partner. It is the highest level of the organizational unit and is used to consolidate multiple company codes information to generate financial statements. Company in SAP S/4Hana – Scenarios It is an optional organization unit in SAP HANA and the highest organizational unit of enterprise structure
Read more →What is General Ledger Accounting in SAP General Ledger Accounting in SAP is the backbone of Financial Accounting where it records all the financial transactions with journal entries and helps to generate the financial statements. G/L Account is a central component, where the monetary values of business transactions are recorded and reported, So It is also called the Main Ledger
Read more →Learn how the SAP system is determined the posting period is automatically when you post or record the document in SAP. In this SAP tutorials, you will learn a scenario, how the SAP is automatically determine the posting period and updated in a FI document transaction. How the posting period was determined in SAP When the user posts an accounting
Read more →What is Exchange Rate Type in SAP The exchange rate type in SAP is used to define the bank selling rates, bank buying rates and average rates for transaction of the foreign currency amount. The standard SAP system delivers the following Exchange rate types in SAP B- Bank Selling Rate G- Bank Buying Rate M- Standard Rate. Note: At the
Read more →How to Define Standard Quotation for Exchange Rate in SAP In this configuration step, you will learn how to define standard quotation for exchange rate in SAP S4 Hana. It is one of the important step, you need to maintain the direct quotation or indirect quotation for each exchange rate currency pair. In our scenario, we are going to update
Read more →How to Activate Quantity & Value Updating SAP S4 Hana It is one of the important configuration steps in SAP S4 Hana that we need to activate the quantity and Value updating field in the Material type for every company code. If you don’t activate the Quantity/Value Updating fields for the company code, the system throws an error during the
Read more →What is Chart of Depreciation in SAP S4HANA The chart of depreciation is a list of depreciation areas that are configured according to the legal and business requirements of an organization. The chart of depreciation allows managing the assets valuation in a particular country/region. Chart of Depreciation = List of Depreciation Areas Depreciation Areas = 01 (Local Depreciation),
Read more →How to Create GST Tax Codes in SAP S/4HANA The first GST was implemented in India on 1st July 2017. It is a single Taxation system applicable across India. The different types of GST that are applicable in India are CGST (Central Goods and Service Tax) SGST (State Goods and Service Tax) IGST (Integrated Goods and Service Tax) UTGST (Union
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