The different exchange rates for each currency pair are defined in the SAP S/4Hana system and differentiated by exchange rate type. Exchange rates are maintained in the Hana system as per exchange rate type.

The standard SAP S/4Hana system provided various standard exchange rate types to meet the requirements.

How to Check Exchange Rate Types in SAP S/4 Hana

You can maintain the exchange rate types in SAP S/4Hana by executing transaction code OB07 or menu path:

  • Transaction code: OB07
  • SAP IMG Path: SAP Customization Implementation Guide -> SAP Net weaver -> General-Settings -> Currencies -> Check exchange rate types

Step 1: Execute the transaction code “OB07″ to maintain exchange rate types in SAP S4 Hana

Transaction code OB07- enter exchange rate in SAP Hana

Step 2: In the next screen currency translation exchange rate, a list of currency exchange rate types will be displayed that are defined in the SAP S/4Hana system

Enter exchange rate type in SAP Hana

You can use the standard exchange change rate type to meet the business needs. However, you can maintain a new exchange rate type as per requirements. To define new exchange rate types, click on the new entries button.

Step 3: On new entries of the exchange rate type screen, update the following details

  • ExRt -Enter the key that identifies as exchange rate type in SAP S/4Hana
  • Usage – In this field, update the description with the usage of exchange rate type
  • Ref. Crcy – Enter reference currency for currency translation
  • Enter exchange rate type of average rate used to determine buying rate
  • Enter the exchange rate type of average rate used to determine the selling

Check Exchange Rate Types in SAP S4 Hana

Click the save button to save the configured exchange rate in the SAP S4Hana system.