The different exchange rates for each currency pair are defined in the SAP S/4Hana system and differentiated by exchange rate type. Exchange rates are maintained in the Hana system as per exchange rate type.
The standard SAP S/4Hana system provided various standard exchange rate types to meet the requirements.
How to Check Exchange Rate Types in SAP S/4 Hana
You can maintain the exchange rate types in SAP S/4Hana by executing transaction code OB07 or menu path:
- Transaction code: OB07
- SAP IMG Path: SAP Customization Implementation Guide -> SAP Net weaver -> General-Settings -> Currencies -> Check exchange rate types
Step 1: Execute the transaction code “OB07″ to maintain exchange rate types in SAP S4 Hana
Step 2: In the next screen currency translation exchange rate, a list of currency exchange rate types will be displayed that are defined in the SAP S/4Hana system
You can use the standard exchange change rate type to meet the business needs. However, you can maintain a new exchange rate type as per requirements. To define new exchange rate types, click on the new entries button.
Step 3: On new entries of the exchange rate type screen, update the following details
- ExRt -Enter the key that identifies as exchange rate type in SAP S/4Hana
- Usage – In this field, update the description with the usage of exchange rate type
- Ref. Crcy – Enter reference currency for currency translation
- Enter exchange rate type of average rate used to determine buying rate
- Enter the exchange rate type of average rate used to determine the selling
Click the save button to save the configured exchange rate in the SAP S4Hana system.