In this SAP QM Tutorial, you maintain the catalogs required for the inspection characteristics. The S4 Hana system delivers standard catalogs, and you can define new code groups with individual codes to meet the business requirements.

The catalog type defines the area of usage. The code group represents unique codes for use during various activities and events such as results recording, usage decisions, defect recording, etc.

How to Define Code Groups and Codes in SAP Hana QM

You can define code groups and codes in SAP S4 Hana QM using the following configuration navigation method.

TitleEdit Code Groups and Codes
IMG MenuQuality Management > Quality Planning > Basics Data > Catalogs > Edit Catalogs for Inspection Characteristics > Edit Code Groups and Code
Transaction CodeQS41


Step 1: Execute transaction code “QS41” and enter to continue

QS41 Transaction code

Step 2: On Edit Catalog: initial screen, enter the catalog type key and press enter to continue

Edit Catalog in SAP Hana QM

Step 3: On the change view “Code Groups” overview screen, click on new entries to define code groups

Code groups new entries in sap hana qm

Step 4: On new entries of code groups screen, update the following details

  • Code-Group: Enter the key for the code group key
  • Short Text: Enter the short description for the code group
  • Status of code group: select the status of the code group from the list

Edit code groups in SAP Hana QM

Step 5: Now select the code group and click on codes to maintain individual codes and description

Define code for code groups in SAP QM

Step 6: On the change view “codes” overview screen, click on “New Entries”

create codes in catalog in SAP QM

Step 7: On new entries of codes screen, update the code and short description for code as per required details.

codes for code groups in SAP Hana QM

Click on the save button to save the update code details in SAP Quality Management.

Similarly, define code for remaining code groups as per requirements and save the details.