Pricing Procedure for SAP CRM
Pricing procedure varies in every country, so SAP designed the systems that can be integrated with third-party tools as per their business requirements. Basic pricing, tax calculation, and product cost calculation can be done by IPC engines.
Pricing procedure is a calculation rule like what type of calculation to be done in pricing depending on the calculation sequence. Pricing procedure define which subtotals are to be displayed and created on pricing screens, and condition types.
The IPC (Internet Pricing and Configurator) is responsible for pricing throughout the entire SAP CRM application.
IPC is used for pricing all SAP CRM web channels, SAP Internet Sales in ERP SAP CRM mobiles sales and services, SRM sourcing, CRM interaction center, etc.
How to Create Pricing Procedure in SAP CRM
. Access the transaction by using the following IMG path.
SPRO >> IMG>> Basic Functions >> Pricing >> Define Settings for Pricing >> Create Pricing Procedure
On the change view procedure overview screen, you can view two of the procedures which are defined in SAP ECC systems and SAP CRM UI. You can modify the procedure that was defined by CRM.
You can define a new price procedure either by updating new entries or copying all the entries from the existing procedures and modifying them as per your business requirements. Select standard procedure and click on the “copy as” button.
In the next screen, update the new six digits alphanumeric key that identifies the pricing procedure in SAP CRM Systems.
Press enter and then click on “copy all” to copy all the entries from the existing procedure.
Now select pricing procedure and click on control data
Now you can modify and update usages, condition types, calculation formula, pricing procedure line, etc.
After updating all the details, click on the save button and save the configured pricing procedure in SAP CRM.