Customer Master Data Table in SAP

Customer Master Data Table in SAP – Complete important list of Customer Master Data tables that are using for day to day customer business transactions.

Customer Master record in SAP contains the core business information about the customers that helps how the business transactions of customers are recorded and processed in the system.

Customer master records are maintained at company code level (FI-AR) and at Sales org level (FI-SD). The Account Receivable module can be integrated with the SAP SD module to process the customer master data for sales order processing, shipping, delivery & billing.

It is mandatory to maintain the customer master data before posting and processing the customers related business transactions. Without maintaining the required customer master record, it is not possible to process customer transactions.

All the customer related business transactions that are processed in the SAP system, stored in the different tables as per the transactions. For example, the customer company code data stores in the table of KNB1 and customer sales organization data stores in the table KNVV.

Important list of Customer Master Tables in SAP

Here a tables of customer master data that are using for day to day business transactions.

Table Description
KNA1 Customer Master Data – General Data
KNB1 Customer Master Data – Company Code
KNVV Customer Master Data – Sales Org
ADRC Customer Master Data – Address
KNBK Customer Master Bank Data
KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions
KNB5 Customer Master Dunning Data
KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data

Note: Each customer master record assigned with a address number (ADRNR), the complete address details of customer is stored in a table called ADRC.

Important Transaction Code that are used for creation of Customer Master Data in SAP

  • XD01 – Create customer Centrally
  • XDN1 – Maintain Number Ranges for customer account groups
  • FB70 – FI customer Invoice
  • VF01 – Billing Document.