What is bin access type in SAP

The bin access types control the stock in a bin that can be accessed resource values as per resource type. After defining the resource types in Embedded EWM warehouse, the bin access type must be assigned to a resource type.

How to define Bin Access Types in SAP S/4Hana EWM

The Bin access types in SAP Embedded EWM warehouse can be defined by using the following configuration steps

IMG path: SCM Extended Warehouse Management – Extended Warehouse Management – Cross Process Settings – Resource Management – Define Bin Access Types.

Configuration Steps :

Refer below step by step procedure to define bin access type in SAP Hana system

Step 1: Execute t-code “SPRO” and choose SAP Reference IMG.

Step 2: Follow the IMG path and click on IMG activity “Define Bin Access Types

Define storage bun access types in SAP Hana EWM IMG Path

Step 3: On change view “Bin Access Types” overview screen, it displays list of defined bin access types in SAP S/4Hana system. Click on new entries to define new access types for embedded EWM warehouse.

Bin Access Types new entries in SAP S4Hana

Step 4:  On the new entries Bin Access Types screen, update the required details for defining the new Bin Access Type for the Embedded EWM warehouse.

  • Warehouse Number: Update the Embedded EWM warehouse for maintaining the Bin Access Type
  • Acc. Type: Enter the new Access Type that defines the Bin Access Type in the SAP S/4Hana system
  • Description: Update the description for the newly defined Bin Access Type.

Define Bin Access Types in SAP S4Hana Embedded EWM Warehouse

After maintaining Bin Access Types, click on the save icon and save the details.

Now Define Resource Type and assign it to Bin Access Type.