Catalog Types in SAP Quality Management are used to define to categorize various functions and activities of QM, such as defect recordings, notifications, data activities,

How to Define Catalog Types in SAP QM

You can define catalog types in SAP HANA QM by using the navigation method.

TitleDefine Catalog Types
IMG MenuQuality Management > Basic Data > Catalog > Define Catalog Types
Transaction codeSPRO

Step 1: Enter SAP T-Code “SPRO” and enter to continue


Step 2: Click on “SAP Reference IMG

Define Catalog Types - IMG Menu Path

Step 3: On the change view, the “Catalog Types” overview screen displays a list of standard catalog types defined in the SAP Hana system.

To define new catalog types in SAP Hana QM, click on the new entries button

Step 4: On new entries of the Catalog Types screen, update the following details

  • Catalog: Update a key that defines Catalog type in SAP QM
  • short text: Update the short text for the catalog
  • Keyword: Update the keyword for the catalog type
  • Select sets allowed: Check this option to allow the selected sets

catalog types in SAP Hana QM

After maintaining the required details for catalog types, click on the Save button and save the details.

Successfully we have defined a new catalog type in SAP Hana System.