In this SAP QM tutorial, you will learn how to define the characteristics weights step by step using the menu path and transaction code SPRO.

In the SAP Hana system, the characteristic weights calculate the quality score. A character with a critical defect will have a higher weight factor and greatly impact the quality score calculation.

How to Define Characteristic Weights in SAP HANA QM

The SAP system delivers the standard characteristic weights, and you can use the existing standard characteristic weights and modify them as required. Also, you can define new characteristic weights in SAP.

You can define characteristic weights in SAP quality management by using the following navigation method.

Title Define Characteristic Weighting
IMG Menu Path Quality Management > Quality Planning > Inspection Characteristic Inspection Method > Define Characteristic weighting
Transaction Code SPRO

Step 1: Enter transaction code “SPRO” and click on “SAP Reference IMG


Step 2: Follow the SAP IMG Menu: Quality Management – Quality Planning – Inspection Characteristic Inspection Method – Define characteristic weighting.

Define characteristic weighting in SAP QM

Step 3: On the change view “Characteristic weighting” overview screen, it displays a list of characteristic weighting defined in the SAP S4 Hana system.

Click on Characteristic weighting 01

Characteristic Weighting in SAP QM

Step 4: Make sure the “No Skip Allowed” checkbox is selected. By selecting the No skip allowed, the system does not inspect skips in the results recording.

Crictical Characteristic in SAP QM

Click on the save button to save the details.

How to Define New characteristic Weighting in SAP QM

Step 1: On the change view “Characteristic Weighting“, click on the new entries button

Characteristic weighting new entries in SAP QM

Step 2: On new entries of the Characteristic weighting screen, update the following details

  • Charac. Weight: Enter a key that defines characteristic weight in SAP.
  • Short text: Update the short text of characteristic weight.
  • Weight Factor: Update the weighting factor for evaluations.
  • No Skip Allowed: Select this indicator; no skip is allowed in the resulting recording.

Define Characteristic Weights in SAP

Click on the Save button and save the configured characteristic weighting key in SAP Hana System.