What is delivery block in sap?

Delivery blocks in SAP HANA QM are defined based on the blocks that apply for all materials or only specific materials for a vendor.

How to define a delivery block in SAP QM

You can define a delivery block in SAP Hana Quality Management by using the following navigation method

TitleDefine Delivery Block
IMG MenuQuality Management > QM in Logistics > QM in Procurement > Define Delivery Block
Transaction codeSPRO

Step 1: Execute transaction code”SPRO” as shown below


Step 2: Select “SAP Reference IMG

SAP Reference IMG - S4 HANA QM

Step 3: Follow the IMG menu path Quality Management – QM in Logistics – QM in Procurement – Define Delivery Block

Define delivery block in SAP QM IMG path

Step 4: On the change view block functions overview screen, displays a list of delivery blocks defined in S4 Hana System.

To define a new delivery block in SAP Hana QM, click on the “New Entries” button

Create new delivery block in SAP QM Hana

Step 5: On new entries of the delivery block screen, update the following details

  • Block Function: Enter 2 digits key that defines the delivery block in SAP HANA QM
  • Short text: Enter the short description of the delivery block
  • Control indicator for block function: Choose the required options for block functions
    • Quote Request
    • Source determination
    • Purchase Order
    • Goods Receipt

Define Delivery Block in SAP HANA QM

After updating the required details for the delivery block, click on the save icon to save the details.

Successfully we have defined a new delivery block in SAP S4 Hana System.