What are G/L Account Groups in SAP

Chart of accounts contains different types of accounts and accounts are grouped into account groups. Account groups refer to groups of accounts that have a similar property within a general ledger accounting.

Account Groups in SAP S/4Hana – Scenarios

  • When you are creating a general ledger account (G/L account), you must specify the account group
  • Account groups control the appearance of the company codes G/L accounts
  • Account groups determine the interval in which an account number is to be created.
  • In this G/L account group, we define the groups with a logical grouping.
  • You can also define account groups as alphanumeric

Note: In real-time, all the companies follow the numeric system for G/L accounts.

G/L Account Groups contain:

  • Chart of Accounts
  • Account Group Key
  • Name
  • Account Group

How to Define G/L Account Groups in SAP S/4Hana

You can define account groups in the SAP S/4Hana system by using transaction code “OBD4” or menu path.

  • Menu Path: SAP Customizing IMG > Financial Accounting > GL Accounting > Master Data > G/L Accounts > Preparations > Define Account Groups
  • T-Code: OBD4

Step 1: Execute transaction code “OBD4” in the command field to define account groups in SAP S/4 Hana.

OBD4 Transaction code - Define account groups in SAP Hana

Step 2: In the next screen – G/L Account Groups overview, click on “New Entries” to define account groups in SAP S4Hana as per the requirements of an organization.

General Ledger account groups new entries in SAP S4Hana

Step 3: On the New entries of account groups creation screen, enter the following details

  • Chrt/Accts: Enter the chart of accounts key for which you are going to maintain account groups in SAP
  • Acct Group – Enter the key for each account group
  • Name – Update the name of the account group
  • From Acct – Enter the starting number of the account group
  • To Account – Enter the ending number of the account group.

Define GL Account Groups in SAP S4Hana

After maintaining the required details for account groups, click on the save icon to save the configured G/L account groups in SAP Hana.

Now you are allowed to create a G/L account in between the intervals of the account group in the SAP S/4 Hana system.

Successfully we have defined account groups in SAP S4Hana.