How to Create Investment budget categories in SAP

The following SAP training tutorials guide you on how to define investment management budget categories in SAP step by step. In our previous training tutorials, we have discussed investment program types, investment profiles, and budget profiles.

Budget categories help to analyze the organization’s capital and expenses separately. For example, if capital and budget are budget categories, now you are able to plan and get the reports on capital and budget on the same investment node.

Budget categories contain three configuration steps

  1. Activate budget categories within the investment program
  2. Create budget categories
  3. Assign an actual value percentage to each category

Step 1: – Activate budget categories within the investment program

Access the activated budget categories within the investment program screen by using following navigation method.

  • Path: – Accounting > Investment management > Programs > Master data > Investment program definition > Create.
  • Transaction code: – IM01

On the create invest program screen, update the following fields and press enter

  1. Inv.Program: – Enter the new investment program key that you want to create.
  2. Approval year: – Enter the approval year.
  3. Program type: – Update the program type.

invest program definition

In the next screen, update the descriptive text of the investment description, fiscal year, and its currency. After updating the entries click on the save button to save the entries.

Step 2: – Define budget categories

  • Path: – SPRO > IMG > Investment management > Investment programs > Budgeting in program > Budget categories > Define budget categories.
  • Transaction code: – OIT8

On the budget categories overview screen, click on “new entries” to define new categories.

budget categories overview screen

On the new entries screen, update the following fields

  1. Program type: – Update the Investment program type that budget category belongs.
  2. Budget category: – Update budget category id, you can enter up to 10 character alphanumeric .
  3. Name: – Enter the descriptive name of the budget category

Define budget categories

After maintaining the budget categories as per organization requirements, click on save button to save the configured data.

Step 3: – Assign an actual value percentage to each category

  • Path: – SPRO (Transaction code) > IMG > Investment management >Investment programs > Budget in program > Assign actual values
  • Transaction code: – OIT5

Enter transaction code “OIT5” in the SAP command field and enter. On the overview screen, click on new entries button.

Assign an actual value percentage to each category new entries

On the new entries screen, update the following fields.

  1. Ptype: – Update the program type that budget category belongs to
  2. Usage: – Update the appropriate id, It contains the possible three options i.e (01- capitalized assets, 02- Non capitalized incidental expenses and 00- Not assigned)
  3. Budget category: – Update the budget category that you want to assign the actuals.

Assign an actual value percentage to each category

Click on save button to save the configured entries. Successfully budget categories are defined in SAP.