In this SAP QM Tutorial, we will define certificate types for quality certificates and control functions and assign them to certificate types for QM in procurement.

How to define keys for certificate processing

You can define keys for certificate processing in SAP QM by using the following navigation method.

TitleDefine Keys for Certificate Processing
IMG MenuQuality Management >QM in Logistics > QM in Procurement > Define keys for Certificate Processing > Define Certificate Types
Transaction codeSPRO

Step 1: Execute Transaction Code “SPRO


Step 2: Click on “SAP Reference IMG

SAP Reference IMG - S4 HANA QM

Step 3: Follow IMG menu path Quality Management – QM in Logistics – QM in Procurement – Define Keys for Certificate Processing

Define keys for certificate processing SAP HANA QM

Step 4: On the select activity screen, choose “Define Certificate Types

Define certificate types in SAP S4 Hana QM

Step 5: On change view, the “Certificate Types” overview screen, displays a list of standard certificate types. You can use the existing standard certificate types or define new certificate types as per the requirements of an organization.

Define new certificate types in SAP Hana QM

Step 6: On the new entries certificate types screen, update the following details

  • Certificate type: Enter a 4 digits key that defines as certificate types in SAP QM
  • Short text: Enter the description for the newly created certificate type
  • Certificate for each PO Item: Select the option if a separate certificate is required for each item in the purchase order
  • Certificate for each GR Item: The system required a separate certificate for each Goods receipts items
  • Certificate Check Required: Ensures the user check all the required certificates
  • Control without certificate: Select the required option from the dropdown list to enforce a required action if certificates are not received.
  • Enhanced Certificate Processing: Used for enhanced certificate processing
  • Remind Deadline: The number of days to get reminded if the vendor fails to deliver the quality of certificate after delivery of goods

Define Keys for Certificate Processing in SAP Hana QM

After maintaining the required details for certificate types, click on the save button to save the details.