You can define number ranges for business partners with an internal assignment or external assignment in the central business partner maintenance.
For the business partners which are transferred from an external system, you need to define number ranges with the external assignments.
In this configuration – we are going to maintain
- BP – Number range interval: 900000000 – 900009999
- AB – External number range interval: A – ZZZZZZZZZZ { AB is already defined in the SAP S4 Hana system, so we will use this external number range interval for further Business Partners configurations}
How to Define Number Rages for Business Partners in SAP S4 Hana
You can define business partners number ranges by using the following configuration steps
- IMG Menu Path: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Cross-Application Components -> SAP Business Partner ->Business Partner -> Basic Settings -> Number Ranges and Grouping -> Define Number Ranges
- Transaction code: BUCF
Step 1: Execute transaction code “BUCF” in the command field to maintain the business partner’s number range intervals.
Step 2: Now refer to the IMG menu path as shown below image and execute Define number ranges
Step 3: In the next screen “Edit Intervals: Business Partners, Object BU_Partner” click on the Change Intervals button.
Step 4: Now you can view existing Business Partner Number Ranges in S4 Hana System. To define new number ranges for Business Partners, click + button (Insert Line) or press function key F6.
Step 5: To maintain number ranges for Business Partner, update the following fields
- N0: Enter the 2 digits key that identifies the business partner number range interval
- From No: Enter starting number of business partner number range
- To Number: Enter starting the last number of business partner number range
- NR Status: By default, NR status will be 0
- Ext: Check this option only if you want to use this number range for an external assignment
Note: You need to specify intervals without overlapping with existing intervals.
After maintaining the number range interval, click on the Save button and save the defined number ranges for business partners in SAP S4 Hana System.
The next step is to define BP grouping and assign number ranges.