Tolerance groups for Employees determine the maximum amount limit that an employee can process the documents

  • The maximum document amount that an employee is authorized to process
  • The maximum amount that an employee is authorized to process amount as per line item in customer accounts or vendor accounts
  • The maximum discount percentage that an employee is authorized to process in a line item

How to define tolerance groups for Employees

You can define tolerance groups for employees by using the transaction code or menu path

  • SAP IMG Menu Path: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Financial Accounting > General ledger Accounting > Business Transactions > Open Item Clearing > Clearing Differences > Define Tolerance Groups for Employees
  • Transaction Code: OBA4

Step 1: Execute transaction code “OBA4” in the command field to define the tolerance groups for employees in the SAP S4 Hana system.

Tolerance Groups for Employees OBA4 transaction code in SAP S4 Hana

Step 2: In the next screen change view “FI Tolerance Groups for Users” overview, click on the new entries option to maintain tolerance groups for employees in the SAP S/4 Hana system.

FI Tolerance Groups for Users in SAP S4 Hana

Step 3: In the next screen, Tolerance group for employees creation, update the following details

Group:  Update the group key, and this group key can be assigned to one or more login id in the SAP Hana system for tolerance group

Company Code: Update the company code that you want to assign this tolerance group

Currency: Automatically currency field will be updated based on the given company code currency

Upper Limits for posting procedures

  • Amount per document –  Enter the maximum amount that allowed for posting per document
  • Amount per open item account item – Enter the maximum amount that is allowed to enter the amount per open item
  • Cash discount per line item – Enter the maximum discount allowed to provide per line item

Permitted payment difference

  • Revenue – Enter maximum amount and percentage that an employee permitted payment difference for revenue
  • Expenses – Enter the maximum amount and percentage allowed that an employee can grant for expenses.

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees in SAP S4 Hana

Click the save button to save the tolerance group for employees in the SAP S/4 Hana system.