Company Code in SAP is an organizational unit of Financial Accounting (FI) for which you draw individual financial statements like Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for purpose of external reporting.

The Creation of company code is mandatory, you need to define a minimum one company code to implement SAP for your organization.

Important points

  1. At least one company code must be defined in an SAP system to implement SAP FI – Financial accounting module in SAP.
  2. Company codes must be implemented per tax law and commercial law.
  3. It is used as an external accounting system to general statements.
  4. The financial documents are created at the company code level, no FI document exists without the company code.
  5. You can generate the company’s financial statements code-wise.
  6. If you have multiple company codes and are assigned to single company, then you can generate a consolidated statement.

How to Define a New Company Code in SAP

Refer below the step-by-step guide on:

You can use the following IMG menu path or transaction code to create a new company code in ECC & S4 Hana system:

  1. PATH:-  IMG Reference –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code
  2. Transaction code:- OX02

Create Company Code in the ECC System

Step 1:-  Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter


Steps 2:-  In customizing the execute project screen select SAP Reference IMG

How to Create Company Code in SAPStep 3:- In the next screen select Edit, Copy, Delete check the Company Code

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company Code in FICO

Step 4:- The below screen displays after selecting Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code ( Define Company Code )

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company Code in FICO

we can create a company code by selecting the above two options. By selecting the first option copy, Delete, company code all the configuration and tables get copied automatically along with assignments.

Here we are creating company code manually configuring all the assignments by selecting the second option Edit Company Code Data. Double-click on Edit Company Code Data

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company Code in FICO

Step 5:- Click on New Entries New Entriesand update the following details

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company Code in FICO

1. Update new Company code key AD06

2. Give the company name Adarsh Technologies for identifying the company code key

3. In Additional Data update the details of  City, Country, local Currency of company, and Language.

Click on Address and Update the following fields – 

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company Code in FICOAfter updating all the address details, click on the save icon save to save the details. Now it prompts for customizing request number, select the customizing request number or click on the create icon to create a new customizing request number for the company code and save the details.

Thus the company code AD06 is created in SAP.

Watch the Video on how to define company code in SAP. 

Creation of company code in SAP S4 Hana System:

Step 1: Log in to S4 Hana system using your login credentials

Step 2: Execute the transaction code: ‘OX02

Step 3: Click on new entries to create a new company code

Select new entries to create a new company code in S4 Hana

Note: To change the existing company code details, click on the company code and update the required details.

Step 4: On new entries of company code creation screen, enter the following details:

  • Company code key
  • Company name
  • City
  • Country/Region
  • Currency
  • Language

Creation of new Company Code in SAP S4 Hana

Step 4: Click on ‘Address Icon’ to update the address details for the newly created company code.

Company Code address details in SAP S4 Hana

Step 5: Finally, after maintaining all the required details for company code, click on the save icon.

Now select the customizing request number and save the details in the SAP S4 Hana system.

SAP Customizing request for FI enterprise structure

Successfully new company code was created in the SAP S4 Hana system.

Practice Guide

After referring above step-by-step tutorial on creation of a new company code, now try to create a new company code as your own or refer below details to create.

Company CodeNameCityCtry/RegionCurrencyLanguage
AD01Adarsh Tech IndiaHyderabadININREN
AD02Adarsh Tec USNew YorkUSUSDEN

Continue to read: Assignment of company code to company.