In this SAP QM Tutorial, we will maintain settings at the plant level as per the requirements. Maintain several central controlling functions for QM components at the plant level.

The control functions are related to the planning and implementation of quality inspections. Based on the requirements, maintain the settings that you want to use for quality inspections.

How to Maintain Settings at Plant Level in SAP HANA QM

You can copy standard Plant dependent QM settings from standard plant 0001 for all plants. After copying the default values, update the required settings for cost elements.

You can maintain settings at the plant level in SAP S4 HANA QM using the following navigation method.

Organizational AreaMaintain Settings at Plant Level
IMG Menu Quality Management > Basic Settings > Maintain Settings at Plant Level
Transaction CodeSPRO

Step 1: Execute transaction code “SPRO” and enter to continue


Step 2: In the next screen, click on “SAP Reference IMG

SAP Reference IMG - S4 HANA QM

Step 3: On Display IMG screen, following IMG menu path as Quality Management > Basic settings > Maintain Settings at Plant Level

Maintain Settings at Plant Level in SAP S4 HANA - IMG Menu

Step 4: On change view “Plant-Dependent QM Settings” overview screen, select the standard plant 0001 and click on a copy as a button.

Plant dependent QM setting - copy

Step 5: Now update the plant key that you want to copy the standard settings

Plant -dependent QM Settings details of selected set

Press enter and click on the save button to save the details.

Step 6: Now go back to the main screen, double click on the plant key for maintaining the required detail

Maintain plant settings in SAP QM

Basic Data

QM Settings - Basic Data

Inspection Lot Creation

Inspection lot creation - SAP QM

Results Recording

results recording - SAP QM

Inspection Lot Completion

Inspection lot completion

General Settings

General Settings - SAP HANA QM

Visual Planning

Visual Planning in SAP QM

Step 6: Under dialog structure, Double click on Inspection Type- Specific settings for plant

Inspection Type specific settings for plant

On the change view “Inspection Type-Specific Settings for Plant” overview screen, click on new entries.

Inspection Type specific settings for plant overview SAP QM Hana

After maintaining the required details of inspection type of specific settings for a plant, click on the Save button and save the details.