How to Set Customer Flag Deletion in SAP
In this SAP Tutorial, you will learn how to set customer flag deletion in SAP for customer master record.
You can set deletion flag as per all areas, selected company codes, and as general data.
Important SAP T-codes of Customer Master Data
- FD01 – Create Customer Master Data
- FD02 – Change Customer Master Data
- FD03 – Display Customer Master Data
- FD05 – Block / Unblock Customer Master Data
You can set deletion indicator for customer flag for deletion by using the following navigation method
- Transaction code: FD05
- SAP Menu –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable –> Master Records –> Set Deletion Indicator ( Customer Flag for Deletion )
1. Enter transaction code “FD06” in SAP command field or follow the menu path SAP Menu / Accounting / Accounts Receivable / Master Record / Set Deletion Indictor
2. On customer Flag for Deletion: Initial screen, update the following details
- Customer account number
- company code
Press enter to continue
3. in next screen, customer flag for deletion: initial screen, set the deletion indicator for customer account as per requirements.
After maintaining the deletion flags, click on save button and save the details.
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