Exchange Rate Difference with Exchange Rate key for FCV in SAP

The following tutorials guide on how to prepare automatic postings for foreign currency valuation in SAP for the exchange rate difference key using the exchange rate key KDB.

IMG Path: – SPRO > SAP Reference IMG (New) > General ledger accounting >periodic processing > valuation >Foreign currency valuation > prepare automatic postings for automatic postings foreign currency valuation.

Enter transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and enter.


In next screen, select sap reference img or press function key F5.

sap reference IMG

Follow the path and select prepare automatic postings for foreign currency valuation.

Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation path

Double click on the KDB (Exch. Rate diff. using exch. rate key).

kdb sap

Enter your chart of accounts key and enter.

chart of accounts key

Update the following fields.

  1. Exchange rate difference key: – Enter the exchange rate difference key.
  2. Expense account: – Enter expense G/L account
  3. E/R gains account: – Enter E/R gains G/L account.

Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation

Click on the save button to save the entries in the SAP system.