SAP BI Interview Questions – Business Intelligence

Important list of SAP BI Interview Questions – Refer below for the interview questions of SAP Business Intelligence (SAP BI) that helps you to learn and prepare for the SAP BI interview preparations.

SAP BI Interview Questions - Business Intelligence

  1. What is SAP BI?
  2. Why SAP business intelligence?
  3. What are the primary index and secondary index?
  4. What is Bit map?
  5. What is a Binary tree?
  6. Explain the differences between BW and BI versions?
  7. How to track the historical data in SAP?
  8. What is the purpose of table T000, TADIR, USR02?
  9. How to view locked transactions in SAP?
  10. What is a type of transfer in transfer rules in SAP?
  11. Explain the differences between customized request and workbench request
  12. What is cell definition and how do you use it?
  13. What are variable types in SAP?
  14. What is Report to Report Interface?
  15. What is a logistics information system (LIS)?
  16. Explain the difference between LIS and LO?
  17. What is exception aggregation in SAP BI?
  18. What is Delta Queue and explain its features?
  19. What is Rollup in SAP BI?
  20. What is infocube?
  21. What is an info object?
  22. How to activate BI continent info objects?
  23. What is a service Application programming interface (API)?
  24. How do you use business objects data services tools in the staging process?
  25. What is the data transfer process?
  26. What is online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
  27. How do you create info area in sap bi?
  28. What is infocube and how do you create infocube?
  29. What is a Persistent Stating Area?
  30. How to create a virtual provider?
  31. How to create Multi-provider, Infoset, Data sources?
  32. Explain about “Data transfer process”  (DTP)?
  33. What are the types of process chains?
  34. How to create process chains in SAP BI?
  35. Explain “Query designer”?
  36. What is “Remodeling”?
  37. What is an “Open hub destination”?
  38. How to create an “Open hub destination”?
  39. What are the types of data store objects (DSO)?
  40. What is AWB (Administrator Workbench)?.