What is SAP CRM Middleware

CRM Middleware: – Middleware helps to connect SAP CRM with other systems like SAP ECC and any other systems. By using middleware we can exchange the different types of business objects from one system to another system. The important business objects are Customers, products, and transactions, that are being exchanged from one system to another system.

SAP CRM Middleware provides seamless back-end integration, and groupware integration like communication software outlook and Synchronizes the mobile clients. It doesn’t require any additional software, installations, or servers.

We can customize CRM Middleware as per business requirements like activating the adopters to replicate the data from one system to another system. When we are configuring the middleware settings, we have to decide who is the master and who is the receiver (SAP SD is the master and CRM is the receiver or SAP SD is the receiver and SAP CRM is the receiver.) For e.g. Customer master data has been created in SAP SD, then this customer data will be replicated in the SAP CRM system.

SAP CRM Architecture- SAP CRM system can act as a logical box and can be connected to different systems like interaction centers, web channels, mobile clients, handhelds, Netweaver portal, SAP SCM, BI/BW, ERP system, and with various systems.

SAP CRM Middleware server architecture

CRM Server Architecture: – CRM architecture can be divided into three parts

  1. SAP CRM middleware
  2. Business Objects
  3. CRM server applications

SAP CRM Server architecuture- CRM Middleware

CRM Middleware– CRM middleware is an inbuilt component of a CRM server, so the companies don’t require to buy middleware separately as it is inbuilt component in a CRM server.

CRM Server Applications– Applications are like Interaction centers, Web channels, Management, marketing planning, and campaign.

Business Objects– Objects are like products, partners, and business transactions.

How SAP CRM system is connected to the SAP R/3 system

SAP CRM and SAP ECC are connected by r/3 adapters.

Important transaction codes that are used for CRM Middleware

Code   Description
SMWPCRM Middleware Monitoring Cockpit
SMW00Error handler Settings
SMW02Display Business Documents Message summary
SMQ1QRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ2QRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)
SMQRQRFC Monitor (QIN Scheduler)
SMQSQRFC Monitor (QOUT Scheduler)
SMWTMiddleware trace
R3AC6Middleware parameters
SDIMACRM Data Integrity Manager
SBDMCRM Business Documents Modeler