SAP FICO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) module is one of the important modules of SAP that deals with General Ledger Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Banking, Assets Accounting & Controlling.

If you are working as a SAP FICO consultant, knowing all the important lists of SAP tables enables you execute the reports and analysis the data as per the scenarios.

SAP FICO Tables List

Refer below for the important list of SAP FICO Tables as per the submodule & topics:

Accounting Documents Tables

Table NameDescription
BKPFAccounting Document Header
BSEGAccounting Document Line Items
RBKPDocument Header: Invoice Receipt (MIRO)
RSEGDocument Item: Incoming Invoice (MIRO)
REGUHSettlement data from the payment program
REGUPProcessed items from payment program


FI Enterprise Structure & Global Settings Tables

Table NameDescription
TCURCSAP Currency-codes
TCURRExch-rate in SAP
TCURTCurrency-name in SAP
T077SG/L Account-group
T009Fiscal year variants
T880Global-company-data in SAP
T004SAP Chart of accounts (COA)
T010OSAP Posting-period-variant (PPV)
T010PPosting period variant names in SAP
T001BPermitted posting periods in SAP

General Ledger Accounting Tables

Table NameDescription
SKA1Chart of accounts segment GL master data
SKB1Company code segment G/l master data
SKATAccounting documents header in SAP


SAP Accounts Receivable Tables

These SAP AR Tables include the data related to customer master data, customer invoices & partner functions.

Table NameDescription
KNA1Customer General Data
KNB1Customer Company Code Data
KNVVCustomer Master Sales Data
KNVICustomer Master Tax Indicator
KNVPCustomer Master Partner Functions
KNVSCustomer Master Shipping Data


Accounts Payable Tables

These SAP AP Tables include the data related to vendor master data and transactional data.

Table NameDescription
LFA1Vendor Master (General Data)
LFB1Vendor Master (Company Code Data)
LFM2Vendor Master Record (Purchasing Data)
LFM1Vendor master record purchasing organization data
BSIKVendor Open Items
BSAKVendor cleared items


Assets Accounting Tables

Table NameDescription
ANKBAsset classes: Depreciation area
ANKTAsset classes: Description
ANKAAsset classes: General data
ANEPAsset line items
ANLUAsset master record user fields
ANEKDocument header asset posting
ANLZTime-dependent asset allocation

SAP CO Tables

The important Tables of the SAP CO module are as follows.

Cost Center Accounting tables 

Table NameDescription
CSKSCost center master data
CSKTCost center texts
CRCOAssignment of work center to cost center
COSPCost totals for external postings
COEPLine items (by period)
COBKDocument header
COSTCO Object: Price Totals

Profit center Accounting tables

Table NameDescription
GLPCAActual line items – Profit center
GLPCOObject table for an account – Profit center
GLPCPPlan line items – Profit center
GLPCCTransaction attributes – Profit center
CEPCProfit center master data table
CEPCTTexts for profit center master data