What is SAP GUI

The following SAP training tutorials guides you everything about SAP GUI and its importance in ERP systems.

 As things are currently, it is very evident that one of the most simple and realistic ways that a company can get to save money is by going digital and one of the platforms that is allowing the companies to do this and with ease is ERP SAP System. However, for a organization to be able to utilize this software, they must be able to understand the graphic user interface (GUI) and to be able to understand what each of the GUI family under SAP is capable of doing and how it can be of importance to organization as well as in which circumstances each is applicable.

What is SAP GUI?

SAP GUI is an acronym of the term SAP Graphical User Interface which is part and parcel of the Presentation layer of SAP. Ideally there are three layers that are involved in SAP and these are Application, Database and Presentation. And the SAP GUI is a client of the later layer. Now that you’re familiar with What SAP GUI is, let the attention divert to the GUI family and what they are able to do.

The SAP GUI family and what they can do.

The SAP GUI family consists of three members and each are meant for a different platform with the ability to address different issues and in some instances, they may be able to get the same basic things done but the abilities can differ depending on the platform of the user interface.

SAP GUI Windows screen



For this version of the SAP GUI to function, an ITS (Internet Transaction Server) is needed whose task is to provide linking between the GUI and the SAP system. The ITS has to be installed on the side of the server and the ITS applicable in this case can either be a stand-alone or an integrated one. The standalone ITS has been existence since the release of the 3.1G running up to the release of the 6.20. For the integrated version, this comes as part of the SAP kernel and is usually installed automatically once the SAP Web Application Server 6.40 program has been installed. It is worth remembering that for SAP GUI for HTML to function, the local computer has to have a web browser already installed.

SAP GUI for Java

This GUI is one that has been programmed and designed to fit  and function in the Java environment and looks just like the window version less the fact that it does not have the window like decoration in it. It is ideal more so because it is able to run on a number of platforms which makes it very useful.

It has been designed for the workplace but it is also usable outside this. However, it is important to note that this does not have all the functionality of the SAP GUI for windows and as such you can’t be able to run commands like new dimension applications.

SAP GUI for windows

This is the primary and mother of the SAP GUIs. It is very versatile and can be able to handle virtually any command that is supported by the SAP system.

With that said, keep in mind that each of the SAP GUIs in this family have different protocols with which they use to connect to the SAP system. For instance, the GUI for HTML uses the HTTP protocol while the other two use the DIAG/RFC to connect to the SAP system. It is vital to make sure that you have this in consideration before you choose your preferred member of the SAP GUI family.