IDOC (Intermediate Documents) is an electronic message format used to transfer data between SAP and non-SAP systems. Every organization uses the functionality of IDOCS in SAP for data and information exchange between the systems. We have two types of Idocs:

  • Inbound Idoc
  • Outbound Idoc

When you are working on IDOC configuration setup, monitoring, reprocessing, and troubleshooting, you need to know all the important SAP IDOC transaction codes that helps you to increase the work productivity.

IDOC Transaction Codes in SAP

Here is a common list of SAP IDOC (Intermediate Documents) transaction codes that are used for day-to-day activities and setup of IDOCs

Refer below for the important list of SAP Transaction Codes that are used in Idocs:

IDOC Configuration & Setup

Transaction CodeDescription
WE20Maintain Partner Profile
WE21Setup ports for Idoc processing
WE31Define Idoc segment types
WE30Idoc Types
WE81Maintain Message Types
WE82Assign Message Type to Idoc type
BD64Maintain Distribution Model for ALE
WE42Maintain Inbound Process Code
WE41Maintain Outbound process Code

SAP IDOC Transaction Codes - WE41 outbound process code

IDOC Processing & Monitoring

Transaction CodeDescription
BD87Idoc Status Monitor & Reprocessing
WE02/WE05Display Idoc List
WE09/WE10Idoc Search for Business Content

Idoc tcode - WE09 idoc search by content

IDOC Troubleshooting

Transaction CodeDescription
BDM2IDOC trace in Receiver System
BDM5Technical Consistency Check
WE60Documentation for Idoc Type & Segment Type
WE61Create Documentation for IDOC Record Types – Control Record, Data Record & Status Record
WE46Process Codes for Error Processing & Status Inbound
WE47Status Maintenance for Idocs
BDM6Consistency check for workflow for ALE/EDI inbound error processing
BDM7ALE Audit Statistic Report


IDOC Administration Transaction Codes

Transaction CodeDescription
SARAArchive Administration
WE47Status Maintenance of IDOC messages
WE09Search for Idoc using the search in control records

Programs for Idocs Processing Background

The programs are executed using the transaction code SE38

Program NameDescription
RBDMANI2Manual processing of Idocs
RSEOUT00Process outbound Idocs
RBDAPP01Process Inbound Idocs
RBDSTATESend Audit Confirmation