SAP PP (Production Planning) module manages all the activities and functions related to the production process including material planning, capacity planning, and production management.

If you are working on the PP module, knowing all the important lists of SAP PP tables helps you execute the reports immediately, analyze the data, and download the particular data from the SAP system.

SAP PP (Production Planning) tables

Refer below for the list of important SAP PP tables used in the production process as per categorization:

Material Master Tables
Bills of Materials (BOM) Tables
Work center Tables
Tasklist Tables
Production Order Tables
Capacity Planning Tables
Planned Order Tables
Material Requirement Planning Tables

Material Master Tables

MARAGeneral Material Data
MARCMaterial Plant data
MBEWMaterial Valuation
MASTMaterial to BOM link
MAPLAssignment of Task Lists to Materials


Bills of Materials Tables

STKOBills of Materials Header
STPOBills of Materials Item
STASBills of Materials Item selection
STZUBills of Materials Additional Data

SAP PP tables - BOM

Work Center Tables

CRHDWork Center Header
CRTXWork Center Text
CRCAWork center capacity allocation
CRCOWork center assignment to cost center

Tasklist Tables

PLKOTask list header
PLPOTask List Operation activity
PLASTask list – selection of operations/activity
AFVCOperations in Order
MAPL Assignment of Task Lists to Materials

Production Order Tables

Table NameDescription
AUFKOrder master data
AFKOOrder header data for PP order
AFPOOrder items
AFVCOperation with orders
RESBReservation/Dependent Requirements

Capacity Planning Tables

KBEDCapacity Requirements Records
KBKOCapacity Requirements  Header Records

Planned Order Tables

PLAFPlanned Order

MRP (Material Requirement Planning) Tables

MDKPMRP Document Header Data
MDSBMRP requirements – planned independent requirements