The Important list of SAP PS Tables that are used by SAP Project Systems consultants and users. If you are working on the SAP PS module, then it is mandatory you should know the tables of PS module and so that you can easily execute the report, analysis and download the report in PDF or Excel.

SAP PS Tables List

Refer below for the import list of SAP Project Systems module tables by topic.

Note: The SAP Tables can be executed using the transaction code SE16N or SE16 in SAP.

SAP PS Master Data Tables

Table NameDescription
PROJProject definition
PRPSWork Breakdown Structure (WBS) Element Master Data
PRHIWBS Work Breakdown Structure
JESTIndividual Object Status
TJ02Project System status
TJ20Status profiles

SAP PS Tables - ProJ - Project definition with fields

Network & Activities Tables

Table NameDescription
COSSCO Object – Cost Totals for Internal Postings
COSPCO Object – Cost Totals for External Postings
COSRCO Object – Statistical Key Figure Totals
BPGETotals Record for Total Value for CO object
BPJATotals Record for Annual Total for CO Object

SAP PS Network & Activities Tables

Scheduling and Activities Tables

Table NameDescription
AFVCOperation within an order
AFVVDB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
PLAFPlanned Order

SAP PS - Scheduling and Activities Tables

Settlement & Billing Tables

Table NameDescription
COBKCO Object Document Header
COEPCO Object – Line Items
COKPCO Object – Control Data for Primary Planning
RPSCOProject info database: Costs, revenues, finances

Reporting and Analytics Tables

Table NameDescription
AUFKOrder master data
TCN51Version profile for PS versions


How to download SAP PS Tables List in PDF?

To download all the tables of PS module in PDF, refer to the following steps:

  1. On the PS tables page, right click on then click on print option
  2. Now select the option ‘PDF’
  3. Click on the save button and now the PS tables list download in PDF on your device.