Important SAP Security Tables AGR

The following are the important tables are used in SAP that starts with AGR. In our previous training tutorials we have learnt about tables of user master record.

You can view tables in SAP by using transaction code “SE16”.

Table AGR 1251

Table AGR_1251 is used to check the authorization data of roles. It provides the details of role name, menu id for BIW, authorization object in user maser maintenance, authorization name in user master record, variant for profile, field name of an authorization, High and low authorization values, object status, note id , etc.

SAP AGR_1251

TABlE AGR_1252

It is used to view the details of organization data for roles. It provides the details of role name, menu id, profile generator of organization levels and authorization values.

SAP table AGR 1252


This table is used to view the roles assigned to users. It provides various details of the role name, user name in master record, user validity period, an assignment that comes from hr organization management, and assignment from the composite role. etc.



This table is used to view the profile that is defined for roles. It provides the details of the role name, profile name, and profile text in the user master record.

SAP tables AGR Prof


This table provides details of the menu for a role. It contains the fields of the role name, the object is, parent id, Customized (‘C’) or standard menu (‘S’) flag, Counter for Menu ID, Report type, and program name.



The table agr_time provides the details of the change of date and time for a role, it contains the fields of the role name, a timestamp for the role, user name, last date, and time change and changed by.

SAP tables AGR time

and there are some important tables like AGR_AGRA, AGR Define, AGR OBJ, AGR_PROF, AGR_TCDTXT, and so on.

Continue to read for all the important list of SAP Security transaction codes for users roles & authorizations, administration & audit logs.