What is Stock transfer

The stock transfer is nothing but transferring of materials from one plant to another storage location, from plant to plant, plant of company code to plant of another company code. When the stock transfer happens between plants, then the quantity changes in both plants.

stock transager sap

What is Transfer  posting

Transfer  posting is a removing of materials from one plant and moving to another plant or location. Examples of transfer postings are as follows.

  1. Postings from material to material, plant to plant
  2. Transfer posting from valuation type to valuation type
  3. Release the quality inspection stock that is moving the stock to unrestricted use in SAP

transfer posting SAP

Difference between stock transfer and transfer posting in SAP

The difference between stock transfer and transfer posting are as follows

Stock TransferTransfer Posting
1. Stock transfer is a physical movement of goods and it is a mandatory1. Physical movement of goods are options in transfer posting
2. Stock transfer consists of goods issued from the shipping point & a goods receipt in the receiving point.2. Special Stock into Company Stock & transfer of stock from one plant to another plant
3. Movements types are 641- shipping, and 643 – Cross company.3. Movement types are 301 – Plant to plant, 309 – Material to material, 311 – Storage location to storage location.
 4. Transaction code – ME27, ME21 4. Transaction code – MB1B